StatsCan Study on Universities’ Post-Pandemic Future Is Missing a Major Opportunity
All of us who work in post-secondary education, and care deeply about its success in the immediate and longer-term, took notice of the StatsCan study released
Five questions for post-pandemic postsecondary education
Now that we are in the summer months, I want to extend my congratulations to all the academic administrators, educators, and students for navigating through a
An Update on the Impact of Performance Based Funding
A few months back, I wrote about the financial threat facing postsecondary institutions in Canada and the major shift in government financial support about to
Last year, a lot of people pegged their hopes on the flip of the calendar to 2021. Just weeks after COVID-19 made landfall in Canada, the borders were shut
The Paradox of Uneven Access: How Canadian Postsecondary Institutions Have Room to Grow
I’ve been writing about the challenges facing the postsecondary sector in Canada and how the pandemic has laid bare significant existing gaps in the system —
Postsecondary Enrolment in Canada is Set to Stagnate Until the 2030s
For the last two decades, postsecondary education in Canada has relied on growing student enrolment for its survival. Now, facing a demographic cliff, that
Ottawa – The University of Ottawa announced today it will offer an online Master of Engineering Management program to support working professionals. The program